Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More Prezzies!!

We know it's been a while since we've updated but rest assured we are still in this thing.  Look for updates soon.

Now we could not pass up posting about this as soon as it arrived.  We received our Road IDs in the mail today!! YAY!

What is a road id you ask?  

"Road ID was created on the concept that active people should wear ID as part of their gear when participating in outdoor activities. It was started by a couple of guys who began to wonder "why in the heck don't we have ID on us when we go out for a run or a ride?" We looked at our dogs, they had ID. But, if we had an unexpected accident, while running or cycling, we would be in bad shape - nobody would know who we were or who to contact. That freaked us out."

We saw a fellow TTPer had one and thought what a GREAT idea so we had to have one.  Our thoughts were, what would happen in the summer on our long runs if we become dehydrated and passed out OR what would happen if while running on the trail we were attacked by either a bear or coyote (hopefully with our road id still attached to a part of our body) and someone eventually stumbled upon us, how would they know who we were or who to contact?  

Problem solved.

Now with our new Garmins and Road IDs we are starting to accumulate the same amount of accessories/gadgets that are on our bikes...

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