Wednesday, November 02, 2016

The Season Is Nigh

PSL's are out.  Look what's in!

We are having our first one on Saturday November 19th at THE CHRONICLE HERALD PARADE OF LIGHTS!!

This is the season where Xmas parties are being booked and Xmas baking will be taking place.  The hustle and bustle of the retail scene has already started.

There is finally a sign up on the BLT trail for bikers to RING THAT BELL or SOUND THAT HORN!.  Finally! but some riders still don't.

We have yet to take the bikes from Twin 1's to Twin 2's....maybe this weekend? It's getting colder.

Workout Wednesday

After taking a week off of working out to a set schedule we have decided to give Jillian Michaels 90 Day Body Revolution another go.  We have ALMOST come close to finishing it but never did and we all know that ALMOST ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH.

We started it on Sunday October 30th and we work out 6 days a week. Two days a week we are to do cardio video but we have decided we can either do cardio video or bike or run.  We want to keep up running so may work running into those days.

Sunday - October 30th, 2016 - Video 1 - DONE!

Monday - October 31st, 2016 - Video 2 - DONE! (Twin 2 did this on Tuesday as it was Halloween night and she was passing out treats)

Tuesday - November 1st, 2016 - Cardio 1 - DONE! We chose to do 30 min bike. 

Have a great week and we will  have more updates on our exciting workouts next Wednesday.