Well we scratched a few goals off our list from 2015. A few are better than none right? The ones we have achieved are:
1. Twin 1 has started working with the dogs and taking them out running.
2. We thought about running another 1/2 and have decided that maybe when we are 40. We did our first one during year 35 so maybe the second at year 40? We'll concentrate on getting back into running and tackling the shorter distances first. Another 10k would be nice.
3. Use credit card only in extreme circumstances....except around the Christmas season.4. Stay positive. This is a work in progress.
5. Twin 2 made a dentist appointment and has been back a few times.
6. Twin 2 has possibly become a little more domesticated...
7. We have both become a little more social...well in December anyway lol
8. We both made eye appointments and bought new glasses.
So I guess we got a little more checked off our 2015 list than we thought. The biggest ones we didn't keep up with were our fitness goals. Maybe in 2016. Speaking of which, here are our new goals for this year:
Twin 1: Be as fit as I used to be and take care of myself on a regular basis
Twin 2: Make healthier choices
Both:Bike/run total of 2016km this year and finish the JM workout program once and for all!
Twin 2: Make healthier choices
Both:Bike/run total of 2016km this year and finish the JM workout program once and for all!
Twin 1: Pay off Credit Card and bring Credit line down to a manageable amount so that in 2017 if property in NH becomes available like a few did this past year then we could make a purchase.
Twin 2: Pay off bills and save for a football trip
Twin 2: Pay off bills and save for a football trip
Twin 1: Be more adventurous and social. Cook better meals for the family with more variety. Twin 2: Be positive and stand up for myself/opinions when need be.