Thursday, February 22, 2018


First off, sorry we haven't been that consistent with our blog lately.  We have some things we are trying to work on and we'll see where that takes us.  Hopefully we'll have something to report soon.  Our goal is, at least, by March 1. 

In the meantime, some random pics for you.  As you read this post you will see that we also need to work on uploading the pictures the right way...not sure what's happening or how to rotate once posted.

1. Twin 2 purchased a spiralizer and we have been having some fun with that.  So far we have just spiralized sweet potato and zucchini and made turkey spaghetti out of the noodles.  Very tasty.   

Not sure why this is sideways.  Sorry.

 2.  Twin 2 got a food processor for Christmas.  One of our recipes called for coconut butter.  We searched the city high and low for it everywhere, with no luck.  We decided to make it ourselves.  Pretty simple recipe:  pour coconut flakes in food process and process until buttery.  DONE.

We'll work on rotating pics somehow on the blog.
3.  Twin 2 had a Superbowl get together during the game and her and Billy were dressed the same. 

4.  Twin 2 and her husband always argue whether they have a gas light in their vehicle.  Her husband will drive the vehicle until it's empty however, Twin 2 always fills up when the gage reaches 1/4 full.  Usually she fills up the tank on one of her run nights (not to say hubby can't do it any day of the week as he drives the vehicle to work).  One week we didn't run for whatever reason so she didn't put gas in the car.  Hubby didn't notice the gas gage.  Driving home from work he looked down at the dash and it was confirmed, we did have a gas light.  He had no idea how long the light was on so luckily when he noticed we were about 10 feet from a gas station so we filled er up.  At least we know.

YAY picture right side up!