Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Wha'd up?

It’s been a few weeks since we caught up with you and here is what’s been going on in our exciting lives.

Saturday, January 28, 2017  - Twin 1’s doggies tear stuff apart and she keeps taking the toys away saying she will sew them up.  A duck that Aunt Bib gave Onyx for her birthday last May finally got sewn up and she loves it!  She watched her sew it up and then played with it and slept with it on the couch.  All the items that were sewed up are still intact and Twin 1 has since found two more that require surgery.

Thursday, February 2, 2017 – It was a beauty of a night and Twin 1 and Aunt Bib went to Ashburn with the dogs (where they go most nights) in the winter.

Friday, February 3, 2017 – We have started a new workout training plan (which we will tell you about at a later date) and Friday we did it at Twin 2’s house and little Gilly got involved.

Saturday, February 4, 2017 – The was a COLD morning but Twin 1 took the pups to Point Pleasant for their walk and it was gorgeous.

SUPERBOWL SUNDAY, February 5, 2017 – We got our workout done Sunday morning so we can prepare for Superbowl.  This is how Onyx and Twin 1 spent the afternoon until it was time to go.

And all that Christmas chocolate in the freezer was for this event.

We went to Twin 2’s for the Superbowl.  The majority were cheering for the Atlanta Falcons.  As I’m sure you heard by now they lost.  Congrats to New England for pulling off another win.  Before the game started we played our own games which was quite entertaining.

That’s all for now Folks and thanks for staying tuned.

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