Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Workout Wednesday

Since last week we kinda forgone our workout schedule (biking) due to Erica having to take Onyx to the vet every other day :( but we did get all our runs in.  

All run times are approximate as the Garmin is at home while this is being typed.

Wednesday, October 12 - We met up with CS at the BLT school and ran the route of the BLT Fun Run that we have coming up this Saturday.  We met around 5:30 pm to get in and out before darkness fell.  While Onyx is laid up we took Pearl with us and she was a great pace bunny.  We did 5k in approximately 44 minutes.  

Friday, October 14 - Twin 2 went straight to Twin 1's house after work and we went for another 5k run.  We again took Pearl and did a loop around Twin 1's that consisted of both sidewalk running and the trial.  We headed out around 4:45 pm and it was nice to get it done early on a Friday night.  This run took approximately 43 minutes.

Sunday, October 16 - Twin 2 thought it would be a good idea to run the race route again and start at the time the actually run on Saturday is supposed to start as it's been awhile since we did morning runs and want to remember what to eat, etc.  It was a chilly morning.  3 degrees.  We texted a bit to figure out what to wear as it's been awhile since we ran in the 'cold'.  We both opted for capris/tank/thin long sleeve shirt.  We actually ended up dressed exactly the same on Twin 1's tank & shoes were purple and Twin 2's was pink.  Twinzies!  The temps were fresh starting out but we warmed up in no time.  It took just over 41 minutes.


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