Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Wha'd up?

Wow these weeks are flying by.  The year is half over. 

We went home over the long weekend.  The weather was actually quite nice for New Harbour J

On the way down the skies didn’t look too promising.  Around the airport we drove through torrential rains and some people actuallyl pulled over.  We put our 4way’s on as some cars were doing that as well.  We drove out of it and had a good drive.

Twin 1 wanted to check out the walk “around the shore” as Googlemaps made it look like it was sand.  It was not, or at least not the part that we walked.  We didn’t walk too far though we were just checking things out in case she goes home on vacation and wants to do a bit of the walk.  Its definalty walkable but with proper footwear as we just had flipflops/sandles on.  Here are a few pics of it.

 And in the beginning we walked threw some longer grass and I think we disturbed some horse flies so they got Twin 1.

Some Strawberry shortcake took the itchy away

Also Twin 1 had a desk in the “office” and the FIL took it back to use as a table so we’ve been looking or a desk for a while.  Twin 2’s hubby found us one at the Salvation Army for $15!! Its like a teachers desk and works well.

We had another golf lesson last night.  This time it was at the driving range and we hit what felt like 1000 balls and were exhausted after it was over.  We know what we are doing wrong now and working on correcting it.  We have two more lessons left.  Last night was the first night that the weather was half decent as in the past they’ve always been cold.  Last night the wind was chilly but it died down a bit but still enough to keep the bugs away.

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