Thursday, June 23, 2016

1/2 year update

In the middle of the year we like to look back at our goals for 2016 to see how we are doing.  It is June so now's the time.

Twin 1: Be as fit as I used to be and take care of myself on a regular basis - not quite there yet but maybe by the end of the year
Twin 2: Make healthier choices - I'm learning
Both:Bike/run total of 2016km this year and finish the JM workout program once and for all!
- did well at the beginning, fell away a bit but we joined the Great Cycle Challenge in June so this may help with the 2016km.  We had a plan to start running again but once we started biking we might wait until June is over and start running in July. 
- started JM, didn't finish.  Maybe we will have better luck in the next half of the year.
Twin 1: Pay off Credit Card and bring Credit line down to a manageable amount so that in 2017 if property in NH becomes available like a few did this past year then we could make a purchase. - nope
Twin 2: Pay off bills and save for a football trip - nope
Twin 1: Be more adventurous and social.  Cook better meals for the family with more variety. - I have cooked better for myself but hubby doesn't like much. - haven't really had the opportunity to be more social yet but summer is coming so I'm sure I will have chances.  
Twin 2: Be positive and stand up for myself/opinions when need be. - I'm getting there.  I made a decision to get away from the negativity of my old office and got a new job and so far things have been much more positive.  New job, new leaf.  

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