Wednesday, March 25 - This was a new run on our schedule as it called for 8 x 400 at 5k pace. Now there was A LOT of calculations as this is in km and our treadmills are in miles. So for your info there are 1609.34 meters in a mile so divide that by 400 meters in a mile and there are 4. So 1 mile divided by 4 is 0.25 so we run a 0.25 mile to get 400 meters. 0.25 mile x 8 will equal 2 miles plus add in the walks between the runs and that bring us to roughly 3 miles. We both did this workout.
Thursday, March 26 - This called for a 6.5 km run along with weights. Twin 1 did this when she got home from work again on the treadmill as the sidewalks are still not clear. Twin had an appointment after work so she hopped on her bike instead.
Friday, March 27 - REST DAY!
Saturday, March 28 - Cross training day - Twin 1 walked the dogs at Ashburn for an hour
Sunday, March 29 - From 8 am to 5 pm we had a Firearms Course so we did nothing except sit inside (as sketchy as it sounds the building the course was in had their windows boarded up so we couldn't even see outside). We woke up to more snow and luckily the plow came in time for us to hit the road and head to the course. When the course was over and we were allowed outside we saw that was a beautiful spring day. Too bad it was a waste of a nice day but we PASSED!
Monday, March 30 - WE RAN OUTSIDE!! The schedule called for 5k and strength training. We ran at Twin 2's house because the sidewalks are still a mess around Twin 1's. The day was beautiful but by 6pm it was overcast, damp and the wind was cold. In hindsight we probably should have wore our little gloves and ear bands. We survived though. It was nice to get outside instead of staring at the wall on the treadmill. Right after our 5k we did the strength training and did 3 rounds which hurt.
Tuesday, March 31 - 4MI run scheduled today. Twin 1 did hers on the treadmill. Twin 2 did laundry and cleaned getting ready for company on the weekend.
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