Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Workout Wednesday

We did better this week!! We should have Advent Calendars every month. May we can stock up after Xmas.

Wednesday, Dec 3 -  Both Twins did video even though it was dark and rainy when we got home and we just felt like getting in our jammies and watching TV.

Thursday, Dec 4 - Both Twins did video.  Twin 2 almost didn't do it but at 8:30 p.m. she decided to do laundry so why not work out while she's waiting.

Friday, Dec 5 -Both Twins did video again .... it's Friday night so they were done right after work or else it would not have gotten done.  That is a guarantee.

Saturday, Dec 6 -Today is rest day.  Twin 1 took the dogs for a run at Ashburn.

Sunday, Dec 7 -  Today is a video day but it's our last night of Zumba so we opted out of the video for this week.

Monday, Dec 8 -Twin 1 did video.  Twin 2 not so much. She picked today as her 'rest' day as opposed to Saturday.

Tuesday, Dec 9 - Twin 1 did video. Twin 2 took another rest day (tee hee). She had a little Christmas supper get together with some of her peeps from work and after the three course turkey dinner she was too full to do one and went to bed. 

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